Tuesday, February 9, 2010

There Must be Fifty Ways to Wear a Trekker

When I first designed the babyTrekker (back around the time that dinosaurs roamed the earth) it was to help my second baby, Michelle, make sense of her world. Like a convict who'd been in the big house too long, she had a definite lack of appreciation for her new found freedom. 'You've got to be kidding me' was the look on her face for at least the first few months of life. And if I'm being completely honest, sewing that first carrier was as much for me as for her. Wearing Michelle in the babyTrekker empowered me. Maybe I couldn't solve every problem for her, but I could calm her down. Help her feel like the world wasn't such a bad place. She got to hang out near her favorite fast food place, and I got to Get Things Done.
Over the years, I've heard from lots of parents who have worn the Trekker to multitask. Some are too bizarre to mention. (see Linda? I told you I wouldn't tell) But here are a few of my favorites. The trekker has been worn by:

1. An orchestra conductor, during a large musical extravaganza
2. A dairy farmer who had a lot of cows to milk
3. A ballet choreographer
4. A young man who wanted to jump out of an airplane with his baby. (We talked him out of it.)
5. A man with no arms who was happy just to hold his baby.
6. A woman with twins whose husband worked away from town for weeks on end. (I designed an attachment just for her:)
7. A woman who rides the train through France, telling everyone on board how much she loves her babyTrekker. She's been doing this for about fifteen years now. Thanks, whoever you are.
8. A nun in Italy, who loves to hold her niece.
9. A hockey player for the Toronto Maple Leafs, (but not during games.)
10. An artist who paints with her baby on her back.
11. A musician who plays the bagpipes with his baby on his back...who wails louder, I wonder?
12. Thousands of mountain climbers, hikers, cross country skiiers, travellers of the world, and people like me, who just want to make it through the day.

Send me an email, judy@babytrekker.com and tell me your interesting babyTrekker story. I'd love to hear from you!


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