I can't believe it. On May 14th, it will be a year since you came into my world. Let's forget for a moment about the minor players in this drama, like your mom and dad, and focus on the important characters: Grandpa and me. I should say, Coach and ______ because I have yet to be named. My husband decided to name himself and his children all agree that the moniker fits.
I am content to be Grandma, but no. Apparently, the name will be come to you, just as my mother's nickname, 'Mimi' came to your mom when she was a year old. The name has lasted through sixteen grandchildren and 27 plus years. It was a great fit. Your mama, Hilary, desperately wants "Mee Maw" for me, but then, she has a sly sense of humor. (I apologize to all the Mee Maws out there, but it just doesn't feel right.) I think that I'll wait for my official title. When it comes from you, Claire, I know it will be perfect.
Now that you're turning one, things are going to change a little. Many of your biggest fans will stop saying how wonderful it is that you're still nursing. Some will ask, "when is she going to wean?" Others will just stare disapprovingly. I'm with you, Claire, whatever you decide. Of course, I'm in the race for favorite grandparent, so that is to be expected.
Diaper changes might be a little different, now that you're passing this important milestone. Instead of having your chubby feet kissed and your belly rubbed, you may overhear your parents arguing, "You do it, No you do it." Grandma would fill in happily, just to spend time with you.
You may overhear remarks from rude people about your slightly curly, eighties style mullet. You totally rock that look, Claire. Wear it proudly. Remember that to Grandma and the Coach, you are the most beautiful little girl that ever wobbled on two feet. Don't be discouraged when the minute you accomplish something wonderful, like learning to walk, complete strangers start asking if you're 'trained.' Ignore them. Also ignore the worried looks on your parent's faces when they hear those words. You'll see those expressions every now and again, over things that aren't very important. Parents don't realize it at the time, though. Just grandparents do.
Have a wonderful first birthday, Claire Margaret Faktor. I'm sorry I can't be there with you in Calgary, but I'll see you soon. You'll know me when you see me. I'll be the one with the goofy smile and the outstretched arms.